United States Presidents at a Glance
Learn a few interesting facts about the 43 United States presidents.
George Washington
First President of the United States

Presidency: April 30, 1789 through March 4, 1797
Political Party: Nonpartisan
Vice President: John Adams
Born: February 22, 1732
Place of Birth: Pope’s Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Virginia
Died: December 14, 1799 (aged 67)
Resting Place: Washington Family Tomb (Mount Vernon, Virginia)
George Washington
Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals.
John Adams
Second President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1797 through March 4, 1801
Political Party: Federalist
Vice President: Thomas Jefferson
Born: October 30, 1735
Place of Birth: Braintree, Massachusetts (now Quincy)
State of Primary Affiliation: Massachusetts
Died: July 4, 1826 (aged 90)
Resting Place: United First Parish Church (Quincy, Massachusetts)
John Adams
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
Thomas Jefferson
Third President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1801 through March 4, 1809
Political Party: Democratic-Republican
Vice Presidents: Aaron Burr, George Clinton
Born: April 13, 1743
Place of Birth: Shadwell, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Virginia
Died: July 4, 1826 (aged 83)
Resting Place: Monticello (Charlottesville, Virginia)
Thomas Jefferson
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
James Madison
Fourth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1809 through March 4, 1817
Political Party: Democratic-Republican
Vice Presidents: George Clinton (Died in Office), Elbridge Gerry (Died in Office)
Born: March 16, 1751
Place of Birth: Port Conway, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Virginia
Died: June 28, 1836 (aged 85)
Resting Place: Montpelier (Orange, Virginia)
James Madison
If men were angels, no government would be necessary.
James Monroe
Fifth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1817 through March 4, 1825
Political Party: Democratic-Republican
Vice President: Daniel D. Tompkins
Born: April 28, 1758
Place of Birth: Monroe Hall, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Virginia
Died: July 4, 1831 (aged 73)
Resting Place: Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond, Virginia)
James Monroe
Our country may be likened to a new house. We lack many things, but we possess the most precious of all–liberty!
John Quincy Adams
Sixth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1825 through March 4, 1829
Political Party: Democratic-Republican
Vice President: John C. Calhoun (Resigned from Office)
Born: July 11, 1767
Place of Birth: Quincy, Massachusetts
State of Primary Affiliation: Massachusetts
Died: February 23, 1848 (aged 80)
Resting Place: United First Parish Church (Quincy, Massachusetts)
John Quincy Adams
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
Andrew Jackson
Seventh President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1829 through March 4, 1837
Political Party: Democratic
Vice Presidents: John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren
Born: March 15, 1767
Place of Birth: Waxhaws (between North and South Carolina)
State of Primary Affiliation: Tennessee
Died: June 8, 1845 (aged 78)
Resting Place: The Hermitage (Nashville, Tennessee)
Andrew Jackson
To the victors belong the spoils.
Martin Van Buren
Eighth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1837 through March 4, 1841
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Richard Mentor Johnson
Born: December 5, 1782 (Maarten van Buren)
Place of Birth: Kinderhook, New York
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: July 24, 1862 (aged 79)
Resting Place: Kinderhook Cemetery (Kinderhook, New York)
Martin Van Buren
The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity.
William Henry Harrison
Ninth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1841 through April 4, 1841 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Whig
Vice President: John Tyler
Born: February 9, 1773
Place of Birth: Charles City County, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: April 4, 1841 (aged 68)
Resting Place: Harrison Tomb State Memorial (North Bend, Ohio)
William Henry Harrison
I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free.
John Tyler
Tenth President of the United States

Presidency: April 4, 1841 through March 4, 1845
Political Party: Whig, Nonpartisan
Vice President: Office Vacant
Born: March 29, 1790
Place of Birth: Charles City County, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Virginia
Died: January 18, 1862 (aged 71)
Resting Place: Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond, Virginia)
John Tyler
Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality.
James K. Polk
Eleventh President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1845 through March 4, 1849
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: George M. Dallas
Born: November 2, 1795 (James Knox Polk)
Place of Birth: Pineville, North Carolina
State of Primary Affiliation: Tennessee
Died: June 15, 1849 (aged 53)
Resting Place: Tennessee State Capitol (Nashville, Tennessee)
James K. Polk
Foreign powers do not seem to appreciate the true character of our government.
Zachary Taylor
Twelfth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1849 through July 9, 1850 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Whig
Vice President: Millard Fillmore
Born: November 24, 1784
Place of Birth: Barboursville, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: Louisiana
Died: July 9, 1850 (aged 65)
Resting Place: Zachary Taylor National Cemetery (Louisville, Kentucky)
Zachary Taylor
It would be judicious to act with magnanimity towards a prostrate foe.
Millard Fillmore
Thirteenth President of the United States

Presidency: July 9, 1850 through March 4, 1853
Political Party: Whig
Vice President: Office Vacant
Born: January 7, 1800
Place of Birth: Summerhill, New York
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: March 8, 1874 (aged 74)
Resting Place: Forest Lawn Cemetery (Buffalo, New York)
Millard Fillmore
May God save the country, for it is evident that the people will not.
Franklin Pierce
Fourteenth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1853 through March 4, 1857
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: William R. King (Died in Office)
Born: November 23, 1804
Place of Birth: Hillsborough, New Hampshire
State of Primary Affiliation: New Hampshire
Died: October 8, 1869 (aged 64)
Resting Place: Old North Cemetery (Concord, New Hampshire)
Franklin Pierce
The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.
James Buchanan
Fifteenth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1857 through March 4, 1861
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: John C. Breckinridge
Born: April 23, 1791
Place of Birth: Cove Gap, Pennsylvania
State of Primary Affiliation: Pennsylvania
Died: June 1, 1868 (aged 77)
Resting Place: Woodward Hill Cemetery (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
James Buchanan
The ballot box is the surest arbiter of disputes among free men.
Abraham Lincoln
Sixteenth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1861 through April 15, 1865 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Republican (National Union)
Vice President: Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson
Born: February 12, 1809
Place of Birth: Hodgenville, Kentucky
State of Primary Affiliation: Illinois
Died: April 15, 1865 (aged 56)
Resting Place: Lincoln Tomb, Oak Ridge Cemetery (Springfield, Illinois)
Abraham Lincoln
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
Andrew Johnson
Seventeenth President of the United States

Presidency: April 15, 1865 through March 4, 1869
Political Party: Democratic (National Union)
Vice President: Office Vacant
Born: December 29, 1808
Place of Birth: Raleigh, North Carolina
State of Primary Affiliation: Tennessee
Died: July 31, 1875 (aged 66)
Resting Place: Andrew Johnson National Cemetery (Greeneville, Tennessee)
Andrew Johnson
Honest conviction is my courage; the Constitution is my guide.
Ulysses S. Grant
Eighteenth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1869 through March 4, 1877
Political Party: Republican
Vice Presidents: Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson (Died in Office)
Born: April 27, 1822 (Hiram Ulysses Grant)
Place of Birth: Point Pleasant, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Illinois
Died: July 23, 1885 (aged 63)
Resting Place: General Grant National Memorial (Manhattan, New York)
Ulysses S. Grant
I have never advocated war except as a means of peace.
Rutherford B. Hayes
Nineteenth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1877 through March 4, 1881
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: William A. Wheeler
Born: October 4, 1822 (Rutherford Birchard Hayes)
Place of Birth: Delaware, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: January 17, 1893 (aged 70)
Resting Place: Spiegel Grove State Park (Fremont, Ohio)
Rutherford B. Hayes
Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation, in arbitration; but the soldier’s occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone.
James A. Garfield
Twentieth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1881 through September 19, 1881 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Chester A. Arthur
Born: November 19, 1831 (James Abram Garfield)
Place of Birth: Moreland Hills, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: September 19, 1881 (aged 49)
Resting Place: James A. Garfield Memorial (Cleveland, Ohio)
James A. Garfield
The chief duty of government is to keep the peace and stand out of the sunshine of the people.
Chester A. Arthur
Twenty First President of the United States

Presidency: September 19, 1881 through March 4, 1885
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Office Vacant
Born: October 5, 1829 (Chester Alan Arthur)
Place of Birth: Fairfield, Vermont
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: November 18, 1886 (aged 57)
Resting Place: Albany Rural Cemetery (Menands, New York)
Chester A. Arthur
Men may die, but the fabric of our free institutions remains unshaken.
Grover Cleveland
Twenty Second President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1885 through March 4, 1889
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Thomas A. Hendricks (Died in Office)
Born: March 18, 1837 (Stephen Grover Cleveland)
Place of Birth: Caldwell, New Jersey
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: June 24, 1908 (aged 71)
Resting Place: Princeton Cemetery (New Jersey)
Grover Cleveland
The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board.
Benjamin Harrison
Twenty Third President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1889 through March 4, 1893
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Levi P. Morton
Born: August 20, 1833
Place of Birth: North Bend, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Indiana
Died: March 13, 1901 (aged 67)
Resting Place: Crown Hill Cemetery (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Benjamin Harrison
No other people have a government more worthy of their respect and love or a land so magnificent in extent, so pleasant to look upon, and so full of generous suggestion to enterprise and labor.
Grover Cleveland
Twenty Fourth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1893 through March 4, 1897
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Adlai Stevenson
Grover Cleveland
Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.
William McKinley
Twenty Fifth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1897 through September 14, 1901 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Republican
Vice Presidents: Garret Hobart (Died in Office), Theodore Roosevelt
Born: January 29, 1843
Place of Birth: Niles, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: September 14, 1901 (aged 58)
Resting Place: McKinley National Memorial (Canton, Ohio)
William McKinley
The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.
Theodore Roosevelt
Twenty Sixth President of the United States

Presidency: September 14, 1901 through March 4, 1909
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Charles W. Fairbanks
Born: October 27, 1858
Place of Birth: New York City, New York
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: January 6, 1919 (aged 60)
Resting Place: Youngs Memorial Cemetery (Oyster Bay, New York)
Theodore Roosevelt
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
William Howard Taft
Twenty Seventh President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1909 through March 4, 1913
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: James S. Sherman (Died in Office)
Born: September 15, 1857
Place of Birth: Cincinnati, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: March 8, 1930 (aged 72)
Resting Place: Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington, Virginia)
William Howard Taft
The world is not going to be saved by legislation.
Woodrow Wilson
Twenty Eighth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1913 through March 4, 1921
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall
Born: December 28, 1856 (Thomas Woodrow Wilson)
Place of Birth: Staunton, Virginia
State of Primary Affiliation: New Jersey
Died: February 3, 1924 (aged 67)
Resting Place: Washington National Cathedral (Washington, D.C.)
Woodrow Wilson
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow.
Warren G. Harding
Twenty Ninth President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1921 through August 2, 1923 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Calvin Coolidge
Born: November 2, 1865 (Warren Gamaliel Harding)
Place of Birth: Blooming Grove, Ohio
State of Primary Affiliation: Ohio
Died: August 2, 1923 (aged 57)
Resting Place: Harding Tomb (Marion, Ohio)
Warren G. Harding
We need citizens who are less concerned about what their government can do for them, and more concerned about what they can do for the nation.
Calvin Coolidge
Thirtieth President of the United States

Presidency: August 2, 1923 through March 4, 1929
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Charles G. Dawes
Born: July 4, 1872 (John Calvin Coolidge Jr.)
Place of Birth: Plymouth Notch, Vermont
State of Primary Affiliation: Massachusetts
Died: January 5, 1933 (aged 60)
Resting Place: Plymouth Notch Cemetery (Plymouth Notch, Vermont)
Calvin Coolidge
Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good.
Herbert Hoover
Thirty First President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1929 through March 4, 1933
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Charles Curtis
Born: August 10, 1874 (Herbert Clark Hoover)
Place of Birth: West Branch, Iowa
State of Primary Affiliation: California
Died: October 20, 1964 (aged 90)
Resting Place: Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum (West Branch, Iowa)
Herbert Hoover
Children are our most valuable natural resource.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thirty Second President of the United States

Presidency: March 4, 1933 through April 12, 1945 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Democratic
Vice Presidents: John Nance Garner, Henry A. Wallace, Harry S. Truman
Born: January 30, 1882 (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
Place of Birth: Hyde Park, New York
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Died: April 12, 1945 (aged 63)
Resting Place: Home of FDR National Historic Site (Hyde Park, New York)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Harry S. Truman
Thirty Third President of the United States

Presidency: April 12, 1945 through January 20, 1953
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Alben W. Barkley
Born: May 8, 1884
Place of Birth: Lamar, Missouri
State of Primary Affiliation: Missouri
Died: December 26, 1972 (aged 88)
Resting Place: Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum (Independence, Missouri)
Harry S. Truman
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Thirty Fourth President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1953 through January 20, 1961
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Richard Nixon
Born: October 14, 1890 (David Dwight Eisenhower)
Place of Birth: Denison, Texas
State of Primary Affiliation: Kansas
Died: March 28, 1969 (aged 78)
Resting Place: Eisenhower Presidential Center (Abilene, Kansas)
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.
John F. Kennedy
Thirty Fifth President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1961 through November 22, 1963 (Died in Office)
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Born: May 29, 1917 (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
Place of Birth: Brookline, Massachusetts
State of Primary Affiliation: Massachusetts
Died: November 22, 1963 (aged 46)
Resting Place: Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington, Virginia)
John F. Kennedy
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Thirty Sixth President of the United States

Presidency: November 22, 1963 through January 20, 1969
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Hubert Humphrey
Born: August 27, 1908 (Lyndon Baines Johnson)
Place of Birth: Stonewall, Texas
State of Primary Affiliation: Texas
Died: January 22, 1973 (aged 64)
Resting Place: Johnson Family Cemetery (Stonewall, Texas)
Lyndon B. Johnson
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Richard Nixon
Thirty Seventh President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974 (Resigned from Office)
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Spiro Agnew (Resigned from Office), Gerald Ford
Born: January 9, 1913 (Richard Milhous Nixon)
Place of Birth: Yorba Linda, California
State of Primary Affiliation: California
Died: April 22, 1994 (aged 81)
Resting Place: Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum (Yorba Linda, California)
Richard Nixon
The American dream does not come to those who fall asleep.
Gerald Ford
Thirty Eighth President of the United States

Presidency: August 9, 1974 through January 20, 1977
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller
Born: July 14, 1913 (Leslie Lynch King Jr.)
Place of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska
State of Primary Affiliation: Michigan
Died: December 26, 2006 (aged 93)
Resting Place: Gerald R. Ford Museum (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Gerald Ford
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
Jimmy Carter
Thirty Ninth President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1977 through January 20, 1981
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Walter Mondale
Born: October 1, 1924 (James Earl Carter Jr.)
Place of Birth: Plains, Georgia
State of Primary Affiliation: Georgia
Jimmy Carter
Whether the borders that divide us are picket fences or national boundaries, we are all neighbors in a global community.
Ronald Reagan
Fortieth President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1981 through January 20, 1989
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: George H. W. Bush
Born: February 6, 1911 (Ronald Wilson Reagan)
Place of Birth: Tampico, Illinois
State of Primary Affiliation: California
Died: June 5, 2004 (aged 93)
Resting Place: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (Simi Valley, California)
Ronald Reagan
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
George H. W. Bush
Forty First President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1989 through January 20, 1993
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Dan Quayle
Born: June 12, 1924 (George Herbert Walker Bush)
Place of Birth: Milton, Massachusetts
State of Primary Affiliation: Texas
George H. W. Bush
The American Dream means giving it your all, trying your hardest, accomplishing something. And then I’d add to that, giving something back. No definition of a successful life can do anything but include serving others.
Bill Clinton
Forty Second President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 1993 through January 20, 2001
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Al Gore
Born: August 19, 1946 (William Jefferson Blythe III)
Place of Birth: Hope, Arkansas
State of Primary Affiliation: Arkansas
Bill Clinton
Character is a journey, not a destination.
George W. Bush
Forty Third President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 2001 through January 20, 2009
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Dick Cheney
Born: July 6, 1946 (George Walker Bush)
Place of Birth: New Haven, Connecticut
State of Primary Affiliation: Texas
George W. Bush
Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
Barack Obama
Forty Fourth President of the United States

Presidency: January 20, 2009 through January 20, 2017
Political Party: Democratic
Vice President: Joe Biden
Born: August 4, 1961 (Barack Hussein Obama II)
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
State of Primary Affiliation: Illinois
Barack Obama
Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
Donald J. Trump
Forty Fifth President of the United States
Presidency: January 20, 2017 through Present
Political Party: Republican
Vice President: Mike Pence
Born: June 14, 1946
Place of Birth: Jamaica, Queens (New York City)
State of Primary Affiliation: New York
Donald J. Trump
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
The New Big Book of U.S. Presidents
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The White House – United States Presidents
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