State Bird and Flower Designs
Do you recognize the bird and flower combination shown above? The bird is the northern cardinal and the flower is the violet. These are the official state symbols of Illinois. Fifty state symbol counted counted cross stitch patterns are available. There’s a beautiful and unique bird and flower design for each state.
State Symbol Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Here’s what you’ll receive: a multi-page full-color pattern, a DMC embroidery floss number list, and a color image of the completed design for easy reference.
Floss will need to be purchased separately. The floss usage report will indicate the number of skeins needed for each color. DMC floss is the most popular thread for counted cross stitch. It’s widely available at your local craft stores and online. You’ll have no trouble locating what you need for any of these state bird and flower projects.
State Symbol Counted Cross Stitch
Scroll down to find your own state’s bird and flower design. Then grab a needle and create a beautiful heirloom quality gift that will be enjoyed for generations to come!
Alabama State Bird (Yellowhammer) and Flower (Camellia) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Alaska State Bird (Willow Ptarmigan) and Flower (Forget-Me-Not) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Arizona State Bird (Cactus Wren) and Flower (Saguaro Cactus Blossom) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Arkansas State Bird (Northern Mockingbird) and Flower (Apple Blossom) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
California State Bird (California Quail) and Flower (California Poppy) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Colorado State Bird (Lark Bunting) and Flower (Rocky Mountain Columbine) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Connecticut State Bird (American Robin) and Flower (Mountain Laurel) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Delaware State Bird and Flower Blue Hen Chicken and Peach Blossom Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Florida State Bird (Northern Mockingbird) and Flower (Orange Blossom) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Georgia State Bird (Brown Thrasher) and Flower (Cherokee Rose) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Hawaii State Bird (Hawaiian Goose, Nene) and Flower (Hibiscus) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Idaho State Bird (Mountain Bluebird) and Flower (Mock Orange, Syringa) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Illinois State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Violet) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Indiana State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Peony) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Iowa State Bird (Eastern Goldfinch) and Flower (Wild Prairie Rose) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Kansas State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Sunflower) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Kentucky State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Goldenrod) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Louisiana State Bird (Brown Pelican) and Flower (Magnolia) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Maine State Bird (Black-Capped Chickadee) and Flower (White Pine Cone and Tassel) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Maryland State Bird (Baltimore Oriole) and Flower (Black-Eyed Susan) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Massachusetts State Bird (Black-Capped Chickadee) and Flower (Mayflower) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Michigan State Bird (American Robin) and Flower (Apple Blossom) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Minnesota State Bird (Common Loon) and Flower (Pink and White Lady’s Slipper) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Mississippi State Bird (Northern Mockingbird) and Flower (Magnolia) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Missouri State Bird (Eastern Bluebird) and Flower (Hawthorn Blossom) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Montana State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Bitterroot) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Nebraska State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Goldenrod) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Nevada State Bird (Mountain Bluebird) and Flower (Sagebrush) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
New Hampshire State Bird (Purple Finch) and Flower (Purple Lilac) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
New Jersey State Bird (Eastern Goldfinch) and Flower (Common Meadow Violet) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
New Mexico State Bird (Great Roadrunner) and Flower (Yucca Flower) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
New York State Bird (Eastern Bluebird) and Flower (Rose) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
North Carolina State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Flowering Dogwood) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
North Dakota State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Wild Prairie Rose) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Ohio State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Scarlet Carnation) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Oklahoma State Bird (Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher) and Flower (Mistletoe-until 2004) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Oregon State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Oregon Grape) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Pennsylvania State Bird (Ruffed Grouse) and Flower (Mountain Laurel) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Rhode Island State Bird (Rhode Island Red Chicken) and Flower (Common Blue Violet) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
South Carolina State Bird (Carolina Wren) and Flower (Yellow Jessamine) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
South Dakota State Bird (Ring-Necked Pheasant) and Flower (Pasque Flower) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Tennessee State Bird (Northern Mockingbird) and Flower (Purple Iris) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Texas State Bird (Northern Mockingbird) and Flower (Bluebonnet) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Utah State Bird (California Gull) and Flower (Sego Lily) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Vermont State Bird (Hermit Thrush) and Flower (Red Clover) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Virginia State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (American Dogwood) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Washington State Bird (American Goldfinch) and Flower (Coast Rhododendron) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
West Virginia State Bird (Northern Cardinal) and Flower (Rhododendron) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Wisconsin State Bird (American Robin) and Flower (Wood Violet) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Wyoming State Bird (Western Meadowlark) and Flower (Indian Paintbrush) Counted Cross Stitch Pattern
Inspired by the Paintings of Arthur Singer
The images for the state bird and flower cross stitch designs are based on a series of very special paintings. In the early 1980s Arthur Singer was already one of America’s best known bird painters. He collaborated with his son Alan Singer on a series of 50 small (approximately 5 by 7-inch) paintings depicting each state’s bird and flower. The father and son team produced one watercolor painting per week–Arthur painted the birds and Alan painted the flowers.

State Bird and Flower Series
U.S. Postal Service officials fell in love with the high-quality paintings. Arthur Singer was readily commissioned to create a series of stamps. Did you notice the postage rate? A first class stamp cost just twenty cents when the series was issued in April 1982!
The series was the first of its size to feature original artwork for each stamp, one for each state. Although some states share a symbol (cardinals and violets are both popular), every bird and flower was individually created in painstaking detail. The Singer team’s hard work was rewarded–more than 500 million sets were sold.
Here’s another fun fact. The Oklahoma painting features a scissor-tailed flycatcher perched atop mistletoe. The mistletoe tradition dates back to the 1890s, when Oklahoma was still a territory.
Oklahoma was welcomed as the 46th state in 1907. Three years later the State Legislature approved mistletoe as the official floral emblem. Not everyone was pleased with the choice. Garden club members wanted a state flower they could grow in their own backyards. In 2004 a new flower was adopted. The Oklahoma Rose (a hybrid tea rose developed at Oklahoma State University) is now the official state flower. Hardy mistletoe continues to be recognized as a floral emblem, a tribute to Oklahoma’s rugged early settlers.
State Birds
Illustrations by Arthur Singer and Alan Singer
Text by Virginia Buckley
You’ll love this slim paperback, published in 1986. Each illustration is truly stunning, right down to the meticulously detailed feathers. Author Virginia Buckley provides a wealth of information about the state birds. For example, did you know the California gull is the state bird of Utah? The large gull is credited with saving the lives of Mormon settlers during a near famine in the late-1840s. Migrating gulls devoured locusts that were destroying vital crops. The grateful settlers erected a statue to the gulls to express their appreciation. For more interesting state bird facts, be sure to grab this book when it’s available.
State Birds by Arthur Singer and Alan Singer
USA Facts for Kids Shopping
Arthur Singer and Alan Singer Official Website singerarts.com
Embroidery floss photograph by bluemorphos
State Symbol Coloring Pages